Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Last night, I acquired this jacket thanks to my wonderful fiance, Aaron Roberts:

It may not seem like a big deal, but this jacket is the jacket of my DREAMS. There is no jacket that I want more than this one. And Aaron helped get it for me. I am the luckiest girl in the whole world. I cannot wait to marry him.

Alright..thats enough mush.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Day 4- Gluten- free pizza!


Today has been uneventful with the lack of gluten. I have had a normal day of not eating much just because I'm not very hungry. I had some great yogurt that I've only ever seen at Whole Foods, its call Noosa..and its from Colorado. Its Greek style so it is a little sour and thick and DELICIOUS. I would recommend the honey flavor. It is really great with quinoa and berries. Which is exactly what I had for breakfast. Then I had a trail mix packet and a fruit leather for lunch. Anyway- Aaron suggested we make a gluten-free pizza for dinner tonight. It sounds lovely. I live close to a Whole Foods so I think we'll stop by there and grab one. I wonder what the crust will taste like..They probably make it with a rice flour so hopefully the crust will be nice and crispy. I am excited. I will write tomorrow about how it turned out. Being gluten-free is easy! (so far...)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Day 2 and half of Day 3

Well, Day 2 went well. It helped that I had the day off so I had plenty of time to plan my meals. I am currently house sitting for a dear friend in Riverton, which just happens to be the same city that Aaron works for. YAY. So I was able to arrange to have lunch with him. It is such a rare occasion that we get to because we work 40 minutes away from each other every day. It always makes me so happy. Its a nice little break in the day. ANYWAY- I ordered some Thai food from my friend's Thai restaurant. I wanted the yellow curry and Aaron wanted the Pad Siew. What I love most about ethnic foods is that it is the norm for you to order them vegetarian. I was a vegetarian for about 8 years before I started to eat some select meats again. But there is always a special place in my heart for tofu. I will always choose tofu over meat.

I also love that a lot of ethnic foods are just naturally gluten free. They often use rice noodles instead of wheat and dishes are served with rice instead of noodles or bread. Also, the majority of their dishes aren't fried or breaded, which can house gluten. We went to dinner with my best friend and her fiance this past weekend to a great Indian place called Royal India. When asking the owner (we think) about his gluten free menu, he cheerfully told us that there were only a few things on the menu that HAD gluten. It was refreshing. I had my choice of almost any dish I wanted. I think being gluten free fits right into Aaron and I's lifestyle because we love trying new and exotic foods as well as shopping at Whole Foods. ha. There is a new Asian store going in close to our houses so we are excited to try out some new products that are gluten free and delicious.

It is only one o'clock on Day 3 but so far it is going well. I had the rest of the Thai food for breakfast. Convenient. I am going to dinner with a friend tonight, which might pose a challenge but I am sure I can find something wherever we go. I will write tomorrow.


Monday, August 1, 2011

Day 1 (so far)

I doubt anyone is reading this, so I guess blogging is more for my benefit than anyone else. Anyway- today was my first official day on the gluten-free diet. I had been trying out gluten-free meals during the weekend and it really isn't that hard. It just takes a lot of thought, which can be a hard thing for me because when I'm hungry..I'M HUNGRY. so. That will take some working on.

I find that MOST foods are gluten-free. Fruits, veggies, hot dogs, yogurt, eggs, milk, potato chips(for the most part)..etc. So it really isn't that hard. Today for breakfast I had greek yogurt, homemade gluten-free granola, and some fruit. Then for lunch I had popcorn. So simple. I even dissected a cafe rio tostada in my mind and I can't think of anything that has gluten in it besides maybe the dressing. It is only gluten free if you get the corn tortilla and not the regular one. But the tostadas just come with a corn tortilla. Lettuce, cheese, rice, beans, (meat), dressing..I'll have to look up the dressing. Sometimes mayo has gluten, or just salad dressings in general. So we'll have to see about that. Well, I will stop myself from writing an entire paragraph about cafe rio. Even though I could. But its making me hungry.

So day 1: So far so good. No Wheat in sight :)