I doubt anyone is reading this, so I guess blogging is more for my benefit than anyone else. Anyway- today was my first official day on the gluten-free diet. I had been trying out gluten-free meals during the weekend and it really isn't that hard. It just takes a lot of thought, which can be a hard thing for me because when I'm hungry..I'M HUNGRY. so. That will take some working on.
I find that MOST foods are gluten-free. Fruits, veggies, hot dogs, yogurt, eggs, milk, potato chips(for the most part)..etc. So it really isn't that hard. Today for breakfast I had greek yogurt, homemade gluten-free granola, and some fruit. Then for lunch I had popcorn. So simple. I even dissected a cafe rio tostada in my mind and I can't think of anything that has gluten in it besides maybe the dressing. It is only gluten free if you get the corn tortilla and not the regular one. But the tostadas just come with a corn tortilla. Lettuce, cheese, rice, beans, (meat), dressing..I'll have to look up the dressing. Sometimes mayo has gluten, or just salad dressings in general. So we'll have to see about that. Well, I will stop myself from writing an entire paragraph about cafe rio. Even though I could. But its making me hungry.
So day 1: So far so good. No Wheat in sight :)